Face Landmarks Detection using CNN

Can computers really understand the human face?

May 2020

Machine Learning - Visualized

A visual approach to understand machine learning

August 2020

Face Dataset Compression using PCA

Principal Component Analysis for Image Dataset Compression

Aug 2020

Principal Component Analysis - Visualized

Data compression using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Aug 2020

Automated Image Captioning (Bachelor Thesis)

Can computers summarize the contents of an image?

Jan 2021 - May 2021

Face Landmarks Detection using CNN

Can computers really understand the human face?

May 2020

Gaze-tracking Goggles

Smart Goggles for Gaze Analysis

Sep 2019 - Oct 2019


Open-souce platform for drone automation

July 2019 - Dec 2019

Search and Reconnaissance Robot

An all-terrain robot for disaster management!

Jan 2019 - Mar 2019

DevOps Intern

16Bit.ai (Toronto)

Sep 2022 - Ongoing